5 Longtime clients share how Stitch Fix made their lives easier

Time. Effort. Your sanity. Three things that are essential to living your best life—and that are absolutely not worth sacrificing just to get dressed every day. Stitch Fix and our team of personal Stylists are here to help you save time, minimize effort and maximize your confidence—and, of course, make you the best dressed you’ve ever been.


When you let your very own Stitch Fix Stylist do the shopping for you, you can say goodbye to crowded malls, insulting dressing room lighting and the frustration of finding things that fit. Trade that overwhelmed feeling you get from endless choices (and scrolling!) for the calm confidence you gain with a Stylist who gets you. 


But don’t just take our word for it. We enlisted the help of 5 real-life Stitch Fix clients—some of whom have been with Stitch Fix for 10 years!—to share how their Stylists have enhanced their style, confidence and life. These clients’ relationships with Stitch Fix range from just over a year to those who’ve received as many as 70 (yes, 70!) Fixes. And they all have plenty to say about why they love Stitch Fix’s unique service—especially their treasured relationships with their Stylists.


So, without further ado, please allow Eva, Victoria, Abby, Megan and Dena to share their stories about how Stitch Fix’s styling services have changed their lives.

Hear more from our fabulous clients below, and learn why each one has fallen in love with Stitch Fix over the years.

5 Longtime Stitch Fix clients—and why they love us

1. Name: Eva, client since 2018

StyleFile style personality: Boho Dreamer

Loves Stitch Fix because: Her Stylist really gets her

What she loves about Stitch Fix:

“It’s just so much fun opening each box that arrives—I feel like a little kid on Christmas. Every time it arrives, I’m just as excited as if it were my first box ever. I love that every month, I get a little treasure on my front porch.

How she got started with Stitch Fix:

“I was in a mom group, and there was a new mom who had just moved to the area. I invited her to a playdate, because our kids were the same age. We met at the local park, and she had the most beautiful purse. I had to ask: ‘Where did you get that?!’  She said, ‘Stitch Fix.’ I had never heard of it! She explained the service and how easy it was to sign up, so I did.”

What she loves about having a Stylist:

“I love that I feel like I’m also getting an education while I work with my Stylist. I’m learning what’s new, what’s out there, what’s trending. And there’s always a really solid line of communication between us. She just gets me.” 

Why she stays:

“Eight years is a long time to be with any service. The reason I’ve stuck with Stitch Fix is that I feel like there’s a personal relationship with my Stylist—she just gets me. I’m seen, I’m heard and I’m understood. I feel like I have a partner in this really fun fashion game I’m playing—and that I’m constantly winning.” 


“My Stylist just gets me. I’m seen,
I’m heard and I’m understood”
–Eva, client since 2018

2. Name: Victoria, client since 2014

 StyleFile style personality: Eccentric Edge

 Loves Stitch Fix because: The clothes give her a major confidence boost

What she loves most about Stitch Fix:

“As a mechanical engineer, I work in a male-dominated industry. When I go to meetings, I don’t want to feel like I’m just blending in—I want to feel like I’m wearing something that pops and makes me stand out. I really believe that when you look good, you feel good. With Stitch Fix, when you walk out the door, there’s just that extra pep in your step and you have more confidence. If I’ve got a big presentation, I just feel like I’m going to kill it!”

How she got started with Stitch Fix:

“Even though it was years ago, I do remember the day I signed up for Stitch Fix: I worked an office job and I was just getting really, really tired of my wardrobe—it felt so bland. I told my coworker about it and she goes, ‘Have you heard of Stitch Fix? They send you 5 items, you get to try everything on in your own home and then you just send back what you don’t like.’ I was really excited and signed up that night.”

Why she stays:

Stitch Fix makes it super-easy to schedule your Fixes—you just pick when you want things shipped. I use that feature to build out my work wardrobe and stock up on really good staples. I also get so excited to order an extra box whenever I’m going on vacation or have a special event. I also love that, ultimately, Stitch Fix kind of pushes me outside of my comfort zone at times.”

What she loves about having a Stylist:

I’m very detail-oriented, so I notice the little things Stylists do to show their excitement about styling me. I distinctly remember when I was planning a vacation, my Stylist put a note in my Fix saying, ‘These shoes would be so cute against the backdrop of your destination—and if you go out on the water, this dress would be really fun blowing in the wind.’ I found that to be so thoughtful—not only are they thinking about what’s going to look good on me, but they’re also considering any activities I’m getting into. I find my Stylist to be truly personal.”

“With Stitch Fix, when you walk out the door,
there’s just that extra pep in your step
and you have more confidence”
Victoria, client since 2014

3. Name: Abby, client since 2022

StyleFile style personality: Rustic Casual
Loves Stitch Fix because: The clothes truly fit—at a great price

What she loves most about Stitch Fix:

Stitch Fix makes it so much easier to shop, find things you like and, most importantly, find things that fit. And 9 times out of 10—actually closer to 10 out of 10—I really love everything that’s in my Fix. It’s a very easy way to feel good about yourself and not have to sacrifice your mental health, time or energy by stressing over shopping for clothes. And I love that there’s no subscription required, because my needs are constantly changing. Plus, if you’re someone like me who has decision fatigue—you’re just tired of making decisions or you struggle making a decision—Stitch Fix is great for you.”

How she got started with Stitch Fix:

“To be honest, I was a little hesitant when I first signed up. I don’t usually shop online, because things typically don’t end up fitting me. But as an entrepreneur and a very busy single mom of two, if I have any downtime at all, I’m definitely not spending it in a department store trying on clothes. That just does not sound fun to me. Stitch Fix was the answer to that problem. I’ve had nothing but success using Stitch Fix—so whatever they’re doing, it’s working.”

What she loves about having a Stylist:

“I don’t always know what looks best on me, but my Stylist does. Stitch Fix has a huge roster of amazing Stylists—they usually knock it out of the park. They work wonders when it comes to my styling because they know what items will enhance my body type and my skin tone. For example, my Stylist has sent me colors that I think, ‘Oh, I’d never wear that’. But then I put it on and I’m like, ‘Look at this skin. It’s glowing!’ So they’re really good at their job and really know what they’re doing.”

“As a busy, working single mom of two,
I’m not spending my downtime in a store
trying on clothes. Stitch Fix gave me
the answer to that problem”
–Abby, client since 2022

4. Name: Megan, client since 2017

StyleFile style personality: Classic Prep

Loves Stitch Fix because: It’s customizable and she can truly make it her own

What she loves most about Stitch Fix:

“I love how flexible Stitch Fix is. I typically only get a Fix quarterly, but between boxes, I love to shop the Freestyle selection. Freestyle shopping is targeted to you based on your style—pieces that are similar to ones you’ve already worn and loved, or things you’ve already told your Stylist you like. So I love that I’m not locked into a subscription or a requirement to buy a certain number of Fixes. I truly make it my own.” 

How she got started with Stitch Fix:

“I initially learned about Stitch Fix through social media and was intrigued. The idea of having somebody to pick out clothes for me that I would like—and that would fit my body type—was super appealing to me. And then the fact that it would just show up on my doorstep, like a fun present? I was sold on the idea from the moment I saw it.” 

Why she stays:

“I love shopping, but I don’t love going shopping, if that makes sense. I don’t like dressing rooms. I feel like you can never really tell if something fits right until you’ve had it on for more than a few minutes. Stitch Fix gives me the ability to do that. I’ve stayed with Stitch Fix this long because, from the get-go, I’ve been really pleased with both the quality and the style of the clothing I’ve gotten.” 

What she loves about having a Stylist:

My Stylist knows my style so well that everything I get is exactly what I’m looking for. This summer I was planning a trip, and I told my Stylist I needed some pieces that are dressier and fun, but that’ll also withstand the heat because I knew it was going to be warm. I wanted something stylish that’s not going to wrinkle and not going to look rough after a day of walking around. And what I got was absolutely perfect.”

“I love shopping, but I don’t love going shopping—
Stitch Fix brings the dressing room to me”
–Megan, client since 2017

5. Name: Dena, client since 2023

StyleFile style personality: Modern Muse

Loves Stitch Fix because: It saves time and reduces stress

What she loves most about Stitch Fix:

“My favorite thing about Stitch Fix is how easy it is and how much time I save. All you have to do is select sizing and how you want your clothes to fit. Then you go through patterns, colors and what you want to stay away from. They give you a selection of different clothes and you just swipe yes or no. From there, your Stylist helps you curate your style over time. I also love that they send you a return label, and it’s free! You just pack it up and send it off. And there’s no subscription required—I just get my Fixes when I want them. The whole process is totally stress-free.”

What she loves about having a Stylist:

“I’m just going to be honest: I am not that person who loves to shop in stores. So I’m really happy that I have my own personal Stylist—it makes me feel like a celebrity! I don’t have to talk to salespeople. I can just tell my Stylist what I want and what I don’t want. Another thing for me is that my Stylist definitely takes me out of my comfort zone—because I don’t want to stick to the same trends and styles that I normally stick to. They help me try new things. Every time I order a Fix, it’s like my Stylist just understands me more and more. It helps me save time and is stress-free.”

How Stitch Fix understands her fit:

“I’ve literally been struggling so much to find jeans that fit. I don’t know what’s going on, but for some reason, I could not find jeans that actually fit my curves. And every single pair of jeans that I have received from Stitch Fix fit my curves perfectly. I keep them every single time. So I’m really happy about that.”

“Every time I order a Fix, it’s like my Stylist
just understands me more and more”
–Dena, client since 2023

Ready for Stitch Fix to make getting dressed easier than ever, just like it did for these clients? Take your style quiz, order a Fix and let your Stylist do the work for you. They’ll choose just-for-you pieces to save you time (and a trip to the mall). Keep what works, and return the rest—or keep all 5+ pieces and get 25% off your entire order. Shipping and returns are always free—no subscription required. It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3.

A New Way To Shop

Stitch Fix connects you with personal Stylists to send you looks you’ll love.

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